


1. 趟 [tàng]2. 趟 [tāng]趟 [tàng]来往的次数:走一~。〔~马〕戏曲中表演骑着马走或跑的一套程式动作。〔赶~儿〕a.赶得上,来得及,如“明天早上再走也~~~”;b.凑热闹,如“桃树、杏树、梨树,你不让我,我不让你,都……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:tāng dì







  1. 用犁把土翻开,除去杂草,并给苗培土。



  1. 网络
  2. ng

  1. 叫你一趟一趟地跑, 我怎么过得去呢?

    I'm terribly sorry to have kept you so busy running back and forth.

  2. 我一整天都在田里趟地, 快累死了。

    I have been working all day in the field, which has exhausted me.

  3. 我一整天都在田里趟地,快累死了。

    I have been working all day in the field, which has exhausted me.

  4. 我们哗啦哗啦地趟过小河。

    We splashed across the stream.

  5. 其他的僵尸, 正缓缓地趟进地下水中。

    The others, moving slowly, were wading out into the underground pool.

  6. 他一面回答一面下了河,小心地趟了过去。

    No, I want to try myself, answered the colt. Then he crossed the river carefully.

  7. 它一面回答一面下了河,小心地趟了过去。

    No, I want to have a try by myself, answered the colt. Then he crossed the river carefully.

  8. 两个人,一前一后,慢慢地趟过浅浅的小河。

    Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the low water of a river.

  9. 我跌跌撞撞地趟过泥地来到一个堆满麦秆的场院。

    I stumbled through mud to a yard strewn with straw.

  10. 他行动迟缓,就像一个疲惫的人在冰冷的河水中吃力地趟过。

    He moved slowly, like a tired man wading through cold water.

  11. 他行动迟缓,就像一个疲惫的人在冰冷的河水中吃力地趟过。

    He moved slowly,like a tired man wading through cold water.

  12. 我们得把这趟快车恰当地安排进时刻表中去。

    We have to fit the special train into the timetable.

  13. 这第二趟行程大大地引起了岸边两个看守的警觉。

    This second trip fairly aroused the watchers along shore.

  14. 这第二趟行程大大地引起了岸边两个看守得警觉。

    This second trip fairly aroused the watchers along shore.

  15. 他再一次摔倒在地, 趟在地上一分多钟。

    He slumps to the ground a second time and stays down for more than a minute.

  16. 争春的花,赶趟地开。

    Spring'flowers, drive times to open.

  17. 警察会例行公事地过来一趟。

    The police will just come as a matter of form.

  18. 警察会例行公事地过来一趟。

    The police will just come as a matter of form.

  19. 为了赶那趟火车, 他匆忙地做完了工作。

    Catch the train, he hurried through his work.

  20. 起飞后得110分钟内,这趟航班还在平安无事地飞行。

    For the next110 minutes, the flight was entirely uneventful.

  21. 起飞后的110分钟内,这趟航班还在平安无事地飞行。

    For the next110 minutes, the flight was entirely uneventful.

  22. 在不远的地方,一趟载货列车正隆隆地驶向镇里。

    Not far away, a freight train rumbled into own.

  23. 其他一些旅客则在每趟航班上都习惯性地重复做一件事。

    Others just have habits that they need to repeat on every flight.

  24. 她一味地埋头为这趟旅行作种种奢侈的准备。

    She threw herself into extravagant preparations for the journey.

  25. 满意地发现有一趟去威斯特海温得快车。

    I noted with satisfaction that there was an express train to Westhaven.

  26. 满意地发现有一趟去威斯特海温的快车。

    I noted with satisfaction that there was an express train to Westhaven.

  27. 可能地话今晚来壹趟。

    Call in this evening if possible.

  28. 但我很高兴地得知你这一趟出差收获甚丰。

    But Im glad to hear you had such a successful trip this time.

  29. 这趟车什么时候到达目得地?

    At what time does the train reach its destination ?

  30. 孩子们哗啦哗啦地溅着水花从水坑里趟过。

    The kids were splashing through the puddles.


  1. 问:趟地拼音怎么拼?趟地的读音是什么?趟地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趟地的读音是tāngdì,趟地翻译成英文是 turn the soil and dig weeds