


两个,一对:一~鞋。~杠。~重(chǒng )。~方。~管齐下。~豆塞聪(耳被堵塞,一无所闻)。~瞳剪水(形容眼珠的清澈)。智勇~全。盖世无~。偶,与“单”相对:~数。~号。加倍的:~料。~份。姓。……



1. 宿 [sù]2. 宿 [xiǔ]3. 宿 [xiù]宿 [sù]住,过夜,夜里睡觉:住~。留~。露~。~舍(shè)。~营。年老的,长久从事某种工作的:~将(经验丰富的老将)。~儒。名~。平素,素有的:~愿。~志。~疾。~敌。~心。隔……


两个,一对:一~鞋。~杠。~重(chǒng )。~方。~管齐下。~豆塞聪(耳被堵塞,一无所闻)。~瞳剪水(形容眼珠的清澈)。智勇~全。盖世无~。偶,与“单”相对:~数。~号。加倍的:~料。~份。姓。……





汉语拼音:shuāng sù shuāng fēi









  1. Bill falls in love with his secretary, and he decides that the only way to be with her is to murder his wife and three children.


  2. Low levels of mercury in the diet of male white ibises cause the birds to mate with each other rather than with females.


  3. So I'll wait my turn until it's our turn to dance


  1. 英台和山伯终能双宿双飞, 永世相随。

    Finally, Ying Tai and Shan Bo could be together for all of eternity.

  2. 有人大概认为她和梅尔已在双宿双飞。

    Probably it was assumed that she and Mel were bedding down together.

  3. 他们说你和土耳其女孩象鸟儿一样双宿双飞。

    They say you and the Turkish girl are nesting like birds.

  4. 比翼双飞, 比翼鸟

    Wing to wing, inseparable lovers, such happy couple

  5. 比翼双飞,比翼鸟。

    Wing to wing,inseparable lovers,such happy couple.

  6. 孤燕可以双飞。

    Even isolated swallows can fly in pairs.

  7. 我也永远与你双宿双栖。

    All I want is to love you forever!

  8. 化蝶双飞永不分离。

    Who end up being butterflies flying side by side.

  9. 让我们比翼双飞到天际。

    Let's reach for the sky together.

  10. 浙江双飞无油轴承有限公司。

    Zhejiang Sf Oilless Bearing Co., Ltd.

  11. 霍根告诉我他已经尝到了比翼双飞得快乐。

    Hogan told me he had tasted the joys of connubial bliss.

  12. 归来休恨花开了, 梁间燕子, 且教知道, 人也双飞。

    Back off hate blossoms, swallows on the beam, and teach know that people are Flying.

  13. 他们的爱情因渴望而更加热烈,但是他们永不能比翼双飞。

    Their love is intense with longing, but they never can fly wing to wing.

  14. 只要你那位澳洲男愿意我们现在也能跟他绝代双飞。

    Hey, we still can if the Aussie's into it.

  15. 我一直在自由地翱翔, 直到遇上另一只小鸟, 与我比翼双飞。

    I fly free I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony.

  16. 我一直在自由地飞翔, 直到遇上另外一只小鸟与我比翼双飞。

    I fly free until I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony.

  17. 天上的鸟儿,当它们和天使比翼双飞时,应当听到这些话的。

    The birds when they fly up yonder, in the direction of the angels, must hear such words.

  18. 寒塘渡鹤影, 冷月葬花魂。落花人独立, 微雨艳双飞!

    Cold pond, LengYue crane choosing shadow crossing soul. The fallen petal one independent, small rain colourful sf!

  19. 我的思念化作一双翅膀飞入你的美梦之中。

    My Miss become a wings flying into your beauteous dream.

  20. 她展开双翅轻轻飞下。

    She spread her wings and flew lightly down.

  21. 异周速双滚筒切头飞剪结构特点及分析

    Structure characteristics and analysis of rotary drum type cutting crop shear with differential speed

  22. 所以, 我向蝴蝶星球上的朋友借了一双翅膀, 飞到了这里。

    So, I borrow a pair of wings from a butterfly and fly to here.

  23. 所以,我向蝴蝶星球上得朋友借了一双翅膀,飞到了这里。

    So, I borrow a pair of wings from a butterfly and fly to here.

  24. 他跑得那么快,连他的一双拖鞋也飞走了,撞到一堵墙上。

    He runs so and quickly, and connected his a slippers to also flew to walk, and hit a wall top.

  25. 凤侣双飞翼,鸾俦百岁春。

    Lu Feng Flying Wing, 100 Spring Luan friends.

  26. 我们就像鸳鸯鸟,比翼双飞在人间。

    We are like mandarin ducks flying together in the world.

  27. 让设备润滑和摩擦学研究比翼双飞

    Let Machinery Lubrication Fly Up With Tribology

  28. 我希望我有双翅膀而且能够飞到你家去。

    I wish I had wings and could fly to home.

  29. 北海、越南芒街、下龙、河内双飞五天团

    North sea, viet nam awn street, xialong, hano tour five days by double air

  30. 双飞燕期待着成为您的真诚合作伙伴,与您一起飞!

    Button, forward to your sincere partners, takeoff and you!