







汉语拼音:pí xiāng






  1. 用皮革制成的箱箧。

    宋 欧阳修 《谢胥学士启》:“所期用覆酱瓿,譬十年之练都,投置皮箱,资一笑於相乐。”《醒世恒言·钱秀才错占凤凰俦》:“ 颜俊 早起,便到书房中,唤家童取出一皮箱衣服。”



  1. Open your portmanteau and keep it in one of your neutral talisman. It allows you to change into the shape of any creature.


  2. Upstairs Bess, putting down her shabby suit case, said, "I'll sleep like a rock tonight, " without a word of praise for her lovely room.


  3. Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me look after the suitcase for a while. I'm going to get some water.


  4. The dad is ready to get to the train station with his tickets and suitcase.


  5. Suze glances up at my wardrobe, on which are teetering a brown leather case, a lacquered trunk, and three vanity cases.


  6. Dad put the suitcases in the back of the car, and then came forward to hold the front door open.


  7. He had spotted a tiny bottle at the bottom of my case and he pounced on it with delight.


  8. Nothing , nothing, " I said innocently, and took my suitcase out the closet. "


  9. there was a seedy old chest , and an old hair trunk with the hinges broke.


  1. 这个皮箱特卖。

    This leather suitcase is on sale.

  2. 他用皮带捆皮箱。

    He strapped his trunk.

  3. 赌徒只要有只皮箱

    Now the only thing a gambler needs

  4. 我的皮箱被偷了。

    I had my suitcase stolen.

  5. 打开皮箱使用其中物品

    to broach a suitcase

  6. 皮箱也不停的进出。

    And the suitcases kept coming and going.

  7. 这个手提皮箱将很合用。

    This suitcase will answer very well.

  8. 把鞋塞进皮箱里

    to tuck shoes in a suitcase

  9. 我又找到一个皮箱了。

    I just found another suitcase.

  10. 他给大皮箱系上标签。

    He attached the label to his trunk.

  11. 这皮箱忘记装上船了。

    This trunk had missed being put on board.

  12. 一个用二手皮箱抵费用

    One paid you with used luggage.

  13. 她把它也放进了皮箱。

    She put it into the trunk also.

  14. 都是偷偷装皮箱运进去。

    It all goes in suitcases.

  15. 请你替我搬这个大皮箱。

    Please carry this trunk for me.

  16. 橱顶上放着两只皮箱。

    There are two suitcases on the top of the wardrobe.

  17. 他把鞋塞进皮箱里。

    He tucked the shoes in a suitcase.

  18. 他的心不在焉让他忘了他的皮箱。

    His absence of mind caused him to forget his Briefcase.

  19. 皮箱一样,但是里面的东西不同。

    It's the same bag but not contents.

  20. 您可把皮箱送到行李房去。

    You may take it to the luggage room.

  21. 我怎么处理这只大皮箱呢?

    What shall I do to deal with this big trunk?

  22. 搬运员给我的皮箱加上标签。

    The porter tagged my trunks.

  23. 他在开罗买了一个皮箱。

    He bought a leather case in Cairo.

  24. 请你打开皮箱让我检查一下。

    Could you please open the suitcase for Customs Examination?

  25. 在我的皮箱上有一张名片。

    There is a name plate on my bag.

  26. 用皮带及搭扣来捆住手提皮箱

    strap up a suitcase

  27. 这个皮箱看上去很重, 实际上很轻。

    This suitcase looks heavy but actually it is very light.

  28. 我可以换装。我的皮箱在车里。

    I could change. I have my suitcase in the car.

  29. 但是这是在你的皮箱里找到的。

    And yet it was found in your trunk.

  30. 从我皮箱里把消毒手巾拿出来。

    Get my hand sanitizer out of my case.


  1. 问:皮箱拼音怎么拼?皮箱的读音是什么?皮箱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皮箱的读音是píxiāng,皮箱翻译成英文是 leather suitcase; leather trunk; luggage