


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……





汉语拼音:hé fù







  1. 随声应和。

    唐 韩愈 《平淮西碑》:“大官臆决唱声,万口和附,并为一谈。”

  2. 响应归附。

    《新唐书·郭震传》:“国家所患,惟 吐蕃 与 默啜 耳;今皆和附,是将大利於中国也。” 宋 陆游 《德勋庙碑》:“巨盗乘间,羣兇和附,公则建翦除安辑之成绩。”



  1. A device (501) comprising a component (501) and an adhesive (506) attached to at least one exterior portion of the component.


  2. and a fluid absorption material attached to the exterior of the shell.


  3. I have faxed my resume and a cover letter to that company, but I haven't received a reply yet.


  4. All these results indicate that the infection of this pig is due to the mixed infection with toxoplasmosis and eperythrozoonsis.


  5. The wake distribution around ship is further calculated with CFD method including disk of inward propeller and outward propeller.


  6. This essay mainly focused on the effects of NO on the early embryo development and implantation.


  7. They are designed to act as frames for climbing plants, creepers and "epiphytes" which clad the trees of the tropical rainforests.


  8. TPC: I'm a wizard specialist in Conjuration. I chose as my barred schools Evocation and Enchantment.


  9. This guide and the attached thread is a one stop shop for Paladins interested in tanking.


  1. 注意橙色的铜绿和附着力强磁铁

    Note orange patina and adhesion of strong magnet

  2. 我们如期收到您5月27日函和附来得150美元得汇票。

    We duly received your favour of the27th May, with a draft for USD150.

  3. 房价包括不合我们心意的许多固定装置和附 加设备。

    The price of the house include many existing fixture and fittings that is not to our taste.

  4. 形状和所附图片的大小。

    Shape and size as attached pictures.

  5. 别把姓名和地址附在你家钥匙上。

    Never have a name and address tag on your keys.

  6. 和电脑附在一起的手册会说明如何使用它们。

    The manuals which come with the computer will explain how to use them.

  7. 和电脑附在一起的手册会说明如何使用它们。

    The manuals which come with the computer will explain how to use them.

  8. 用书面回答时, 须经船长签字和船医附签。

    The answers in written form must bear the signature of the captain and that of the vessel physician.

  9. 意见书全文和所附的补充资料可向裁军事务厅咨询。

    The full texts of the submissions and additional information attached thereto are available for consultation at the Office for Disarmament Affairs.

  10. 耐水,耐酸和耐碱,附着力超强!

    Water, acid and alkaliresistant, adhesion super!

  11. 铝和铝合金用釉瓷和搪瓷。附着力试验

    Vitreous and porcelain enamels for aluminium and aluminium lloys. adhesion tests

  12. 本课程包括研习资料、问题集锦和测验题附解答。

    This course includes study materials, problem sets, and quizzes with solutions.

  13. 所有销子和松散件要附在检具底座上并提供保贮方法。

    All pins and loose details are to be attached to the fixture base and provided with a means of retention for storage.

  14. 审核每日收入数据, 以及后附报告和凭证。

    Audits the daily revenue figures, supporting reports and vouchers.

  15. 橡胶的物理试验。对金属的附着力和金属腐蚀的测定

    Physical testing of rubber Determination of tendency to adhere to and to corrode metals.

  16. 通过使用不同硬度的橡胶压力辊轴可控制附着力和外观。

    Adhesion and appearance can be controlled to a degree by using rubber pressure rolls of varying hardness.

  17. 本发明涉及一种异方向性导电胶带贴附装置和贴附方法。

    The invention relates to a differentdirection conductive tape attaching device and an attaching method.

  18. 出神和附体障碍

    trance and possession disorder

  19. 尾巴和四肢有羽状附毛。

    The tail and britches are well feathered.

  20. 这些蛋白质主要由前列腺和附睾分泌。

    Most of these proteins originated from the epididymis and prostate.

  21. 本文介绍其原理和附泵的选配。

    This paper introduces its principle and selection of the additional pump.

  22. 本文介绍其原理和附泵得选配。

    This paper introduces its principle and selection of the additional pump.

  23. 申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。

    Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.

  24. 可见2个退化的结构,睾丸附件和附睾附件。

    Note the presence of two vestigial structures, the appendix testis and the appendix epididymis.

  25. 奥硝唑对大鼠睾丸和附睾超微结构的影响

    Ultrastructural Changes in Testis and Epididymis of Rats after Treatment with Ornidazole

  26. 芦笋和白菇, 并附番茄酱或辣酱油沾食猪排。

    Serve with stirfried asparagus and mushrooms as side dish. Ketchup or chili sauce as dipping sauce.

  27. 我们如期收到您5月27日函和附来的150美元的汇票。

    We duly received your favour of the27th May, with a draft for USD150.

  28. 转子包括具有磁性材料的框架和附连至框架的永磁体。

    The rotor includes a frame including a magnetic material, and a permanent magnet attached to the frame.

  29. 有既是一个舒适和兴奋看到连年跨越世代和附身。

    There is both a comfort and an excitement in seeing continuities reach across generations and mediums.

  30. 在住宿合同中, 旅馆经营人主要负有给付义务和附随义务。

    The lodging contract, the hotel agent holds the obligation of offer and attached duty.