











汉语拼音:yī bō yòu qǐ










  1. But as tends to happen in the Middle East, events had already been overtaken by other events.


  2. Wall Street employees about to return from the summer doldrums have something new to worry about: their jobs .


  3. The Foreign Office is lurching from crisis to crisis, thanks to his new blunt foreign policy.


  4. Three winters and springs make three waves, one wave surging after another, and in between there should be an interval.


  5. Anger and fear about Europe's seemingly unstoppable debt crisis is coursing through the continent.


  6. The arguments for and against the use of peat are raging still but I don't intend to join in.


  7. Money markets seized up across the globe as banks refused to lend to each other.


  8. But for Beijing residents, it's one thing after another.


  9. Another Ping Yibo play, burial, goofy went to answer the phone, Gao Daxiu laments this several small, a better one.


  1. 一波未平,一波又起。

    Hardly has one wave subsided when another rises.

  2. 最近公司可是一波未平,一波又起,是非很多。

    Our company has troubles coming one after another.

  3. 最近公司可是一波未平,一波又起,是非很多。

    Our company has troubles coming one after another.

  4. 三个冬春就是三个浪潮,一波未平一波又起,中间要歇一歇。

    Three winters and springs make three waves, one wave surging after another, and in between there should be an interval.

  5. 鞋子又会像2005那是一样,起一波热潮了。

    Footwear has to be passionate again, just like it was in 2005.

  6. 那种一波又一波的悲伤和失落感

    This wave of sadness Or something to just take over.

  7. 波斯人一波又一波得进攻会被斯巴达人得盾牌粉碎。

    Wave after wave of Persian attack would smash against Spartan shields.

  8. 又一波的改变是什么?

    So what was one more spasm of change

  9. 这预示着又一波美元疲软。

    This point in time will herald another wave of dollar weakness.

  10. 热风煽起一波早已燃烧的心澜。

    By hotter winds our fiery hearts are fanned.

  11. 音乐又起了,在跳一曲好吗

    The music started again, about another dance

  12. 一个半小时以后, 睡不着觉, 我又起了床。

    Half an hour later, unable to sleep, I got up again.

  13. 一个半小时以后,睡不着觉,我又起了床。

    Half an hour later,unable to sleep,I got up again.

  14. 一个能防苍蝇等虫的即通风又起冷冻作用的食物储存处。

    A heavily insulated refrigerated compartment, or room for storing frozen foods.

  15. 杰克突然微微一笑,又摆起了慈父的姿态。

    Suddenly Jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role.

  16. 杰克突然微微一笑,又摆起了慈父得姿态。

    Suddenly Jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role.

  17. 他又捡起一块海豹肉。

    He picked up a piece of seal meat.

  18. 鼓起两腮吹开一把又一把得小伞。

    Muster cheeks blowing open another one of a small umbrella.

  19. 鼓起两腮吹开一把又一把的小伞。

    Muster cheeks blowing open another one of a small umbrella.

  20. 又一波狂战士进攻扫向了人类的工程兵。

    Another zealot attack sweeps into the scv line of the terrans.

  21. 又一滴水掉下来了,小燕子仰起头来看。

    Another drop and the Swallow looks up.

  22. 与此同时,玛拉基象又一颗巨星一样升起在北方。

    Meanwhile Malachy had arisen like another star in the North.

  23. 露丝一便又一遍的提醒波特, 在开幕式上要放松。

    Ruth reminds Burt again and again to relax at the opening ceremony.

  24. 露丝一便又一遍得提醒波特,在开幕式上要放松。

    Ruth reminds Burt again and again to relax at the opening ceremony.

  25. 一端详又勾起了刚才说那个孩子的话。

    The examination provoked the same original remark in regard to the child.

  26. 一想起又可见到她,他便兴奋起来。

    He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again.

  27. 于是, 又拣起了一块石头朝亮光扔去。

    Then, picked up again light of face of a stone is thrown.

  28. 于是, 在香炉落地处, 又建起一座新庙。

    As a result, the incense burner in the ground, and build a new temple.

  29. 吃过肉后,他们每人又吃起了一个橘子。

    Afterwards they had the oranges, one for each of them.

  30. 于是, 教授又拿起一盒小卵石倒进坛中。

    The professor then picked up a box of small pebbles and put them into the jar.