




尖端,梢:~梢。~端。秋毫之~(毫毛尖端)。最后,终了:~了(liǎo )。~尾。~日。~代。穷途~路。非根本的,次要的,差一等的:~业。~技。舍本逐~。碎屑:~子。碎~。传统戏剧角色名,一般扮演中年以上男子:正~。副~。外~。~本(以男角……



汉语拼音:jù mò






  1. 锯竹木时掉下来的细末。

    高云览 《小城春秋》第十章:“手里拿着一把锯,正在锯一块木板,锯末撒了一地。”



  1. The machine also can be used for particleboard sawdust, sawdust board high-density material production.


  2. Activated carbon (AC) prepared from coconut tree sawdust was used as an adsorbent for the removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution.


  3. You can change the waster sawdust into a useful thing by compressing it into boards.


  4. happy, add to the clock's gears point sawdust, increase resistance, make it go slower, time tunnel philosophy.


  5. The Kisangani Smith Group in Tanzania designed a stove that uses compressed waste sawdust or rice husks, rather than expensive charcoal.


  6. She was coated with saw dust and filled with hay for hungry farm animals.


  7. The biomass sawdust mainly has three processes of dehydration, gasification and combustion when heated.


  8. A piglet, who looks like it has been truffling through sawdust, is photographed in Paris during an international agricultural fair.


  9. Mable commenced sweeping up the sawdust while I packed up my tools.


  1. 锯齿间塞满了锯末。

    The teeth of the saw were clogged with sawdust.

  2. 刷漆之前先撒些锯末。

    Strew sawdust before painting.

  3. 木屑和锯末可压制成板。

    Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards.

  4. 锯末在重金属废水处理中的应用

    Elementary introduction to make use of sawdust

  5. 用锯末生产机制炭棒的可行性

    Feasibility of Producing Carbon Stick from Sawdust

  6. 他们吃老鼠和锯末避免饥饿的危险。

    They ate rats and sawdust to avoid starvation.

  7. 红松锯末堆积存放时的热自燃条件

    Thermal Ignition of Saw Dust From Korean Pine During Heap Storage.

  8. 木头得碎渣和锯末可以压成木板。

    Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards.

  9. 木头的碎渣和锯末可以压成木板。

    Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards.

  10. 我看锯末不会有多少营养价值吧?

    There can't be much nutrient value in sawdust, I'd think.

  11. 锯末和榛子壳使红酒口感更加涩。

    And sawdust and filbert husks to make red wine more astringent.

  12. 另外还有泥炭, 锯末, 棉子壳, 淤泥等。

    Some of the others are peat, sawdust, cotton seed hulls, and sludge.

  13. 窗角边结了一层锯末般得白霜。

    Frost collected in the window corners like sawdust.

  14. 窗角边结了一层锯末般的白霜。

    Frost collected in the window corners like sawdust.

  15. 稻壳,锯末成型燃料低温热解特性试验研究

    Experimental research on low temperature pyrolysis of biomass extrusion bar of rice husk and sawdust.

  16. 用粘土,灰浆,锯末或毛毡覆盖或堆积以隔音。

    To make soundproof by covering or packing with clay,mortar,sawdust,or felt.

  17. 你是说锯末和泥炭可以防止土壤粘闭吗?

    You mean the sawdust or the peat keeps the soil from puddling?

  18. 刨花、锯末较多的车间的电动机,应加防尘罩。

    The workshop cause quite a lot of parings and sawdust should be protected with dustproof cover.

  19. 他们一直在锯木头,因此弄得满身都是锯末。

    They had been sawing; that was why they were covered in the sawdust.

  20. 说到底,你必须确保卖的不是裹在胶囊里的锯末。

    At the end of the day, you have be sure arent just selling sawdust in a capsule.

  21. 自动控温型锯末炉在育雏生产中的应用

    Application of Sawdust Stove with Automatic Temperature Control System in Breeding Chickens

  22. 可以是锯末,或者谷壳,可可或咖啡壳等农业废料。

    It could be sawdust or agricultural waste like grain hulls, cocoa or coffee shells.

  23. 梅布尔开始打扫地上的锯末, 我则收起工具。

    Mable commenced sweeping up the sawdust while I packed up my tools.

  24. 大掺量锯末对粉煤灰烧结制品性能的影响

    Effect of Doping High Volume Sawdust on Properties of Fly Ash Sintered Products

  25. 说到底, 最可爱的布娃娃也只不过是锯末做成的。

    The loveliest doll in the last analysis is merely sawdust.

  26. 说到底,最可爱得布娃娃也只不过是锯末做成得。

    The loveliest doll in the last analysis is merely sawdust.

  27. 所有的废木料和锯末都被回收用于能源燃料。

    All waste woods and the sawdust are all recycled uses in the energy fuel.

  28. 所有得废木料和锯末都被回收用于能源燃料。

    All waste woods and the sawdust are all recycled uses in the energy fuel.

  29. 这些矿工吃锯末, 树皮, 纸甚至是煤而生存了下来。

    The miners survived by eating sawdust, tree bark, paper and even coal.

  30. 锯末软化栽培法是一种简单实用的无土软化栽培方法。

    It is a simple but practical way of soilless and blanching culture of chicory.


  1. 问:锯末拼音怎么拼?锯末的读音是什么?锯末翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锯末的读音是jùmò,锯末翻译成英文是 sawdust; saw poder; serrago

  2. 问:锯末板拼音怎么拼?锯末板的读音是什么?锯末板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锯末板的读音是jù mò bǎn,锯末板翻译成英文是 wood particle board

  3. 问:锯末砖拼音怎么拼?锯末砖的读音是什么?锯末砖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锯末砖的读音是jù mò zhuān,锯末砖翻译成英文是 sawdust brick

  4. 问:锯末灰浆拼音怎么拼?锯末灰浆的读音是什么?锯末灰浆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锯末灰浆的读音是jù mò huī jiāng,锯末灰浆翻译成英文是 sawdust mortar

  5. 问:锯末混凝土拼音怎么拼?锯末混凝土的读音是什么?锯末混凝土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锯末混凝土的读音是jù mò hùn níng tǔ,锯末混凝土翻译成英文是 sawdust concrete



木材加工(wood processing),以木材为原料,主要用机械或化学方法进行的加工,其产品仍保持木材的基本特性。在森林工业中,木材加工业和林产化学加工同为森林采伐运输的后续工业,是木材资源综合利用的重要部门。