




技能好,灵敏:~妙。~思。~劲。~干(gàn )。精~。轻~。乖~。心灵手~。~发奇中。美好:~笑(指美好的笑貌)。虚伪(特指语言):~言。~诈。~辩。~言令色。恰好:~合。~遇。恰~。……



汉语拼音:pèng qiǎo








  1. 凑巧;恰好。

    《红楼梦》第三五回:“你们两个来的怎么碰巧一齐来了?” 曹禺 《北京人》第三幕:“向菜市买来的菜蔬碰巧就结上一层薄薄的冰凌。” 赵树理 《杨老太爷》:“念书人腿长--老师们、同学们人多得很,碰巧了有个连手,说上去就上去了!”



  1. Grandpa was getting on his coat when he happened to look out the front window.

  2. It was strange about the coincidence of figures: that his room number tonight, allocated by chance, had in it a "24" .

  3. It happened to be a fine day when I arrived in London.

  4. He tried to meet a friend in London without a pre- arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.

  5. [He looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess. ] You seem like an honest sort, at least.

  6. I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of her solo concert this afternoon. You know what? I'll definitely go for it.

  7. One morning the King had been out hunting and happened to ride by the cottage of Patroclus with a train of his knights.

  8. We got to chatting about my record and it just so happened that he was on a few months break from a very busy touring schedule.

  9. If she happens to come home to see her son chatting online, we have no idea about what response she would make to it.


  1. 就因为他碰巧

    who just happened to.

  2. 我碰巧遇见他。

    I met him by chance.

  3. 他碰巧在睡觉。

    He happened to be sleeping.

  4. 我碰巧十分熟悉

    that I happen to know pretty well.

  5. 我碰巧知道车主

    Well, I happen to know the owner of this car.

  6. 也许碰巧她在家。

    We may take a chance on her being at home.

  7. 我碰巧见到他。

    I happened to see him.

  8. 我碰巧遇到了她。

    I met her by coincidence.

  9. 我碰巧起来得早。

    I happened to be up early.

  10. 我碰巧经过大戏院。

    I happened to pass by the Grand Theater.

  11. 我只是,我只是碰巧听到

    I justWell, I overheard people talking in the pit.

  12. 我碰巧也在那儿。

    I happened to be there too.

  13. 我这儿碰巧有一项。

    I happen to have.

  14. 我这儿碰巧有一项。

    I happen to have.

  15. 碰巧我无法参加会议。

    It so happened that I couldnt attend the meeting.

  16. 你今天晚上碰巧有事? ?

    Will you do anything this evening, by any chance ?

  17. 我们碰巧在火车站相遇。

    We happened to meet at the station.

  18. 我昨天碰巧见到她。

    I happened to see her yesterday.

  19. 我碰巧亲眼看到了。

    It chanced that I saw it with my own eyes.

  20. 我昨天碰巧撞见了他。

    I ran aross him yesterday.

  21. 碰巧这是一首小夜曲。

    This happens to be a nocturne.

  22. 你们碰巧带了饼干吗

    Did you also happen to bring cookies?

  23. 我们碰巧搭上了末班车

    We lucked into the last bus.

  24. 如果碰巧发现一壶酒。

    And if you happen to see a flagon of wine.

  25. 如果碰巧发现一壶酒。

    And if you happen to see a flagon of wine.

  26. 碰巧的是选手全是女性。

    at Columbia's Baker Athletics Complex.

  27. 你想当夜也是碰巧的么?

    Do you think the time of it was an accident?

  28. 她碰巧发现了这个问题。

    She discovered the problem by accident.

  29. 那碰巧是一九四九年。

    It fell out to be the year 1949.

  30. 但我碰巧有两位母亲

    but I happen to have two.


  1. 问:碰巧拼音怎么拼?碰巧的读音是什么?碰巧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碰巧的读音是pèngqiǎo,碰巧翻译成英文是 by chance

  2. 问:碰巧的拼音怎么拼?碰巧的的读音是什么?碰巧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碰巧的的读音是,碰巧的翻译成英文是 hit-and-miss




【读音】pèng qiǎo



【示例】曹禺《北京人》第三幕:“向菜市买来的菜蔬碰巧就结上一层薄薄的冰凌。” 赵树理《杨老太爷》:“念书人腿长--老师们、同学们人多得很,碰巧了有个连手,说上去就上去了!”