




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:gēn shang







  1. "Whew" , you say to yourself "I've got to stop blinking my eyes the World is going faster now than I can keep up. "

  2. The second time I do not know, may be the time to keep up with a visa are separated by only a month.

  3. This fun song has a pretty quick beat for your faster runs. Give it a try and see if you can keep up with it.

  4. When the bad guys change their tactics, most of the computer security industry needs a year or two to catch up.

  5. I used to be constantly trying to keep up with stereotype, the social influences on how to be myself.

  6. His modest brain isn't quite up to speed and even if it was, he has very little control of his tiny tongue.

  7. In such a world, reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for avoiding future shock in a world continually being remade .

  8. Participants felt a generation gap with the new technology. "I'm always trying to catch up to my younger staff members. "

  9. They also aspire to a higher place in society's pecking order, but in so doing force others in the rat race to run faster to keep up.


  1. 跟上节拍。

    Catch up with the rhythm.

  2. 走吧 跟上。

    Let's go.come on.

  3. 跟上,比尔。

    Come on, Bill.

  4. 跟上进度啊

    Keep up.

  5. 快跟上 比尔。

    Come on,Bill.

  6. 我跟上了,长官。

    I'm on It, sir.

  7. 整装待发, 跟上节奏,

    Saddle up and get your rhythm

  8. 跟上需求/ 通货膨胀

    to keep up with demand/ inflation

  9. 不要落后,要跟上!

    Never fall behind, keep up!

  10. 跟上时代的步伐

    keep pace with the times

  11. 我暗示他跟上来。

    I gave him a wink to follow.

  12. 对,就是这样,跟上

    There we go. Come on now.

  13. 你应该跟上形势。

    You must keep up with the times.

  14. 我就越难跟上

    the harder it is to follow.

  15. 我们必须跟上时代。

    We must keep up with the times.

  16. 让你跟上节奏吗

    it would take to let us catch up?

  17. 跟上,不要落后了。

    Catch up. Don't fall behind.

  18. 跟上其他人,别落伍。

    Keep up with the others and don't straggle.

  19. 使现代化或跟上时代。

    modernize or bring up to date.

  20. 能跟上我讲得 吗

    Can you follow me Are you with me

  21. 能跟上我讲的吗?

    Can you follow me Are you with me?

  22. 努力跟上大家的谈话

    And trying to keep up with everybody talking.

  23. 导游示意我们跟上他。

    The guide for visitors beckoned us to follow him.

  24. 我没太跟上你的话

    I'm having trouble following you.

  25. 然后你跟上,一块儿演奏

    and then you just pick it up, play along.

  26. 你还能游, 而且能跟上?

    You can swim, then, and not fall behind ?

  27. 我们必须跟上时代潮流。

    We must go with the times, and go as others do nowadays.

  28. 他们努力跟上技术发展。

    They are trying hard to keep up with technical developments.

  29. 事实上,没有人能跟上她。

    In fact, no one can keep up with her.

  30. 事实上,没有人能跟上她。

    In fact, no one can keep up with her.


  1. 问:跟上某人拼音怎么拼?跟上某人的读音是什么?跟上某人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跟上某人的读音是Gēnshàng mǒurén,跟上某人翻译成英文是 to keep up with somebody

  2. 问:跟上斯坦一家拼音怎么拼?跟上斯坦一家的读音是什么?跟上斯坦一家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跟上斯坦一家的读音是Gēnshàng Sītǎn yìjiā,跟上斯坦一家翻译成英文是 Keeping Up With the Steins




【读音】gēn shàng

